Preparing your environment using Conda

In order to be able to access the OpenStack Swift filesystem, you need a number of packages to be available. Save the following as a file called macro_access.yml and then create a new conda environment using conda env create -f macro_access.yml.

name: macro_access
  - conda-forge
  - defaults
  - python=3.12
  - pip
  - xarray
  - zarr=2.18
  - dask
  - fsspec
  - pip:
      - attrs
      - swiftspec

Now, activate the newly created environment using conda activate macro_access.

Accessing the data

With the dependencies installed and the environment activated, we can access the data. First we import the necessary packages:

import xarray as xr
from import FSStore, LRUStoreCache

Then, we generate a cached filestore from the Objects in the DKRZ OpenStack Swift. More information regarding the domains can be found here.

domain = 4  # Berlin
blscheme = "MYJ"
url = f"swift://{blscheme}/wrfout_d{domain:02d}_2018.zarr"

store_nocache = FSStore(url)
store_cached = LRUStoreCache(store_nocache, max_size=2**30)
ds = xr.open_zarr(store_cached)

Finally we can use the remote data like it were on our computer locally. The available WRF meteorology and tracer fields are described in the documentation page.